This blog is for anyone who finds meaning in the little things each day. For anyone who loves animals and our planet and wants to make a difference. For anyone who wants to leave behind happy paw prints.

Geeky Green Tips

    • Buy paper products made from recycled materials. Also, try to use fewer paper products in general!
    • Clean with less chemicals. Use baking soda, lemons, and vinegar instead. Or use green-friendly products like Seventh Generation.
    • Recycle, recycle, recycle!
    • Buy a funky lunchbox instead of bringing your lunch to work every day in a paper bag.
    • Use your own coffee mug, even when you buy coffee at a coffee shop.
    • Use cold water when washing all your laundry. 
    • Air dry clothes outside in the nice weather or on a drying rack.
    • Make your own linen napkins out of a pattern you like, instead of using paper napkins.
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