I've been trying to do good things lately - to better the people around me and this lovely planet I live on. I figure we all leave our footprint, and I want mine to be deliberate. I want to leave happy footprints in the short time I have here. Okay, so I tend to be overly passionate and live with my gut, but who doesn't want a life that is meaningful?
There are things that are downright easy to do - waste less, re-use and recycle. And last Saturday I convinced my boyfriend to go to a blood drive hosted by The Red Cross to donate blood - a true triumph. The funny thing is, I kind of forced him into that one, and yet he was the only one eligible to donate. I didn't have enough iron in my blood, probably because I barely eat any meat. After wards, Cullen seemed to feel really good about giving life to someone else and promised the nurse he'd be back in 56 days to donate again.
On Saturday, Cullen showed me a photo from the aftermath of the earthquake in Japan. It showed a little kitty floating on a structure all by herself with water surrounding her. She looked so helpless - I wanted to reach out and save her. Of course these devastating events are affecting thousands upon thousands of people in addition to animals, but I have such a soft spot for animals. They cannot speak for themselves, and so many of them depend on us for their livelihood, for just a chance at a happy life.
I haven't written in this blog for nearly two years. When I first began, I meant for this to be a place where I could write tales about my newly adopted kitten and share what I know about cats. I want to continue to do that but more. I want to better the lives of animals, but sometimes it's hard to know exactly what you can do to help, short of donating money.
I want to motivate and connect with others who want to do the same. There are always little things we can do - from donating money or supplies to our local animal shelters to volunteering our time or giving a furry friend a loving forever home.
When I got home from work this evening, Duncan ran down the stairs (probably from napping on his little bed which sits on top of my bed). I picked him up, and we stood looking out the front door into the street. He rubbed his head against my chin and purred. I love knowing I'm giving a kitty a happy, loving home. But how many other cats are out there that want just that? I wish I could provide it for all of them.
This handsome man resembles my own black kitty. His name is Benson, and he is 1 year old. He was dropped on someone's doorstep with his brother, if you can even fathom that. He's currently residing at the Northeast Animal Shelter in Salem, MA and is looking for a forever home. If you're looking for a new friend, this is a great shelter that has both dogs and cats. They're also open late and on the weekends. Or you can help by donating here.
Much Love,
It's truly these little things we can do that make a big difference.
On Saturday, Cullen showed me a photo from the aftermath of the earthquake in Japan. It showed a little kitty floating on a structure all by herself with water surrounding her. She looked so helpless - I wanted to reach out and save her. Of course these devastating events are affecting thousands upon thousands of people in addition to animals, but I have such a soft spot for animals. They cannot speak for themselves, and so many of them depend on us for their livelihood, for just a chance at a happy life.
I haven't written in this blog for nearly two years. When I first began, I meant for this to be a place where I could write tales about my newly adopted kitten and share what I know about cats. I want to continue to do that but more. I want to better the lives of animals, but sometimes it's hard to know exactly what you can do to help, short of donating money.
I want to motivate and connect with others who want to do the same. There are always little things we can do - from donating money or supplies to our local animal shelters to volunteering our time or giving a furry friend a loving forever home.
When I got home from work this evening, Duncan ran down the stairs (probably from napping on his little bed which sits on top of my bed). I picked him up, and we stood looking out the front door into the street. He rubbed his head against my chin and purred. I love knowing I'm giving a kitty a happy, loving home. But how many other cats are out there that want just that? I wish I could provide it for all of them.

Much Love,