I've been back in school since the beginning of September, back to the grind. Classes and work and reading and essays...I get overwhelmed, easily. Today I got out of school earlier than usual (well, actually I decided not to attend my last class because I did well on the first test and figured I could use a little extra time to relax). My nose has been stuffed up for two days, and I was just feeling a little down. I came home to a quiet house that was empty, except for my black kitty slinking around. He met me at the door and seemed so happy that I had come home just to keep him company.
He rubbed up against my calves and dipped his nose up towards mine as I bent over. It is so nice to have a kitty to come home to. I seriously think if he hadn't of been there, my afternoon would have been completely different--not as good. I dragged his felt ribbon toy around the house as he chased after me, and tousled it around in his belly as he batted it with all fours in the air.
I had wanted to do some writing before I went to my toil job. I'm taking a fiction writing class this semester, and we're just working on one piece all semester long. We workshop one student's piece each week, and other than that, all my professor asks of us is to sit down and write five times a week. It's easier said than done. It's hard to just sit down and write--it takes leaving that world around you and pushing it off to the side. It is usually easiest for me to do this late at night. A lot of writers say the early morning is good, too, but I wouldn't know. I freaking despise most people's idea of morning. My idea of morning is noon.
But today, the afternoon was a perfect time to sit down at the kitchen table with my pink laptop and write. Duncan sat right next to me the whole time, and that just made the afternoon better somehow. I miss him when I go off to work or school; being at home most of the day writing would be perfect. He could be there helping me.
This cat's name is Adrian; she is about two years old and gets along with other kitties. I've visited her on a few occasions, and she is extremely sweet and affectionate. As of about a month ago she was being kept at the Petco in Norwood, MA, which is right off of I-95, in a room off to the side where Friends of the Plymouth Pound keep some of the cats their shelter has taken in. She has been in a shelter for many months and deserves a loving, forever home!

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