This blog is for anyone who finds meaning in the little things each day. For anyone who loves animals and our planet and wants to make a difference. For anyone who wants to leave behind happy paw prints.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cats For Your Health

I read an article a few months ago (where--I don't remember) about a research study done over a period of time with some participants who had cats, dogs, or even fish in their household and others that did not. I don't remember the specifics, but the results suggested that pets are good for our health. This is no surprise to me—we don't need researchers to tell us how happy our animals make us. And isn't happiness one of the best things for our health?

I've been thinking over the past few days--what is it about our animals that make us so happy? Here's my list so far. Please add to it!

1. Waiting at the Door—No matter how long of a day I’ve had, there is nothing better than coming home to a kitty. Recently, Duncan had a kitty play date with my neighbor’s cats. She said, “I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have cats to come home to.” It’s so true. Duncan gives me something to look forward to all day.

2. They Remind Us to “Slow Down!”Sometimes I feel like I’m always on the go, and there is always something I need to accomplish. It’s not always easy to slow down and enjoy a minute here and there. But my cat helps me do this. When he’s sitting on his favorite cushion, simply enjoying the peace and quiet, this reminds me I can do that, too! I can have fun doing nothing, sometimes.

3. Your Unique Kitty—No two kitties are exactly the same. There is always at least one thing about a cat that stands out and is different from other cats. My childhood cat’s famous trait was that he drooled in the midst of a patting session. Duncan plays fetch…like a dog, but only with his special mice (and not the twenty other mice we have purchased for him). What is your kitty’s unique trait or talent?

4. They Make Us LaughWhether they are jumping ten feet in the air to catch the dangling toy or rolling on their backs with their bent paws in the air, you can’t help but crack a smile. My cat sometimes leaves his tongue hanging out his mouth just a tiny bit; this gets me every time.

5. Kitty Love—Cats are not just our pets, they become part of the family. We spend so much time with our cats that they become our friend and companion. You feel like you know them,and they know you.


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