This blog is for anyone who finds meaning in the little things each day. For anyone who loves animals and our planet and wants to make a difference. For anyone who wants to leave behind happy paw prints.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Forever Home

Woody was my childhood cat that lived with my family for thirteen years. We adopted him when he was three, although we think he may have been a little older and his previous owner took a few years off his real age to better his chances of finding a new forever home. His previous owner developed allergies to him and had to give him to a shelter, although he had not wanted to part with him. It turned out to be a huge gift to my family that he did, though.

My older cousin was working at a shelter when I began asking my mom if we could get a cat. I was six. Surprisingly, it was not difficult to convince her. My cousin had mentioned how much she liked Woody to my mom, but she already had two cats of her own. The first shelter we visited was the one she worked at, and there was no question that it was Woody we'd be taking home.

Three years ago, I noticed Woody was breathing heavily; he seemed to be in pain. I mentioned it to my mom, and she called his vet. At the appointment, they said there was nothing more they could do for him--he had simply gotten old. He was sixteen, or possibly even older. That day we left the vet without Woody, and I felt like I had lost my best friend. I cried all day and all night. I never thought I'd find a cat I could love as much ever again.

As time went on, I realized how much I missed having a kitty greet me at the door and rubbing a kitty's cheek. Though Woody was gone, I could still give another one a forever home in the future. Three weeks ago, I finally adopted another cat. His name is Duncan and he's four and a half months old. He's all black with the exception of two small white patches. His legs are too long for his slender body, and he's still growing.

I created this blog as a way to connect people that love cats. I plan on blogging on everything cat related, from food recalls and cool products to kitty stories and behavior...all from my own experiences. Please feel free to leave a comment and tell me of your own. I would love to hear from you.

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